
Starting a strengthening routine can be intimidating and maybe a little bit boring. I know, I GET IT. Too many of us don't have the time, have had bad experiences at the gym, have let life get away from us.  We sit too much. And when we do move (run, walk fast, jump), we don't have the strength to do it in a way that feels good in our body for the long run. 

Adding strength training to your life can:

  • help you walk, run and jump with more ease. You will have the muscle strength to help support your structure which will in turn enhance your ability to move in different ways. It will also help you recover quicker.

  • increase stability when balancing. This is a huge one as we age. Our glutes support our pelvis. Our legs are connected to our pelvis. And so is our spine. When we strengthen our glutes we are creating a stronger, more stable home base for to stand tall and strong.

  • allow you to move through your day feeling more in sync with your body AND your breath. When we strength train, it’s an opportunity to get more in tune with YOU. It’s another form of movement, one that has the capacity to challenge us and one that always gives us an opportunity to return to our breath.

When I first started adding strength training to my movement practice it wasn’t for any one specific reason. Maybe I was a little bored with yoga. It could have been the constant, little niggling pains in my hips and my arms. Maybe weight training could help? Big surprise here — it did! The chronic, little pains I had (which are always red flags for soon to be BIG pains) went away. My balance went from something I hoped for to something I EXPERIENCED. And my yoga practice became a true practice of ease, attention and non-attachment. I felt like I could live, move and play in this body in ways I could never do before.

Will you join me?

Get Strong and Stretch is designed to help you live better in your body. Throughout class you can expect personalized feedback and encouragement (of course unless you prefer to not get it). I use my anatomy and yoga training to help you activate your muscles on a deep level. Class includes a targeted warm up, a short circuit dedicated to strengthening your glutes, abdominals and back. We go slow to tune in to what’s really happening. Quality over quantity. We finish up with a 20-30 minute yoga flow for release.

I hope you’ll join us! Click here to book your next class.
